Welcome and Peace Candle
1st Hymn: Come now is the time to worship
Poem: Worship's Delight
Bible reading: Exodus 24 : 12 – 18 Moses on Mount Sinai
2nd Hymn: Be still for the presence of the lord
3rd Hymn: Shine Jesus Shine
Bible reading: Matthew 17 : 1 – 9 The Transfiguration
Talk: Transfiguration: A Glimpse of Glory
Poem: The Mountain's Whisper
4th Hymn: Be thou my vision
Poem: In Sacred Space -Hillary
5th Hymn: Broken for me, Broken for you
Communion: URC Clacton video
Prayers of Intercession followed by the Lords Prayer
6th Hymn: You shall go out with joy
Tea and Coffee after service